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계절: season

꽃: flower

극장: movie theater

나라: country

내년: next year

다음: next, following

대학원: graduate school

방학: school vacation

약속: engagement, promise

액션 영화: action movie

여름: summer

여행: travel

여행하다: to travel

코미디: comedy

받다: to receive

아마: probably, perhaps

자주: often, frequently

정말: really

참: by the way

무슨: what, what kind of

어느: which

ㄹ 거예요: probability (future tense)

가을: autumn, fall

겨울: winter

마켓: market

봄: spring

설거지하다: to wash dishes

신문: newspaper

심리학: psychology (course)

이야기하다: to talk, to chat

전공: major

전공하다: to major in

주: week

준비: preparation

준비하다: to prepare

청소: cleaning

청소하다: to clean

크리스마스: Christmas

보내다: to send; to spend time

흐리다: to be cloudy

장을 보다: to buy groceries

가끔: sometimes, occasionally

많이: much, many

서로: each other

고: clausal connective

취미: hobby

스포츠: sports

소설: novel

만화책: comic book

잡지: magazine

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