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cope: To deal effectively with something difficult, (often cope with)

straggle: To wander about; ramble. Desordenadamente

beneath: below or underneath

digestion: The process, in the gastrointestinal tract, by which food is converted into substances that can be utilized by the body.

Unrestrained: immoderate; not restrained or held in check. Desenfrenado

amazement: The condition of being amazed; overwhelming wonder, as from surprise, sudden fear, horror, or admiration; astonishment. Asombrado

amenable: Willing to respond to persuasion or suggestions. Susceptible

apprentice: A trainee, especially in a skilled trade. Aprendiz

melt: The transition of matter from a solid state to a liquid state. Derretirse

length: The measurement of distance along the longest dimension of an object. Longitud

wealth: Weal; welfare; prosperity; good; well-being; happiness; joy. Riqueza, abundancia. riqueza

harsh: Unpleasantly rough to the touch or other senses. Duro. Scientists have long wondered how an extinct goat that once lived on barren Mediterranean islands could survive in such a harsh environment.

circuitous: Not direct or to the point. De manera indirecta

enmity: The quality of being an enemy; hostile or unfriendly disposition. Enemistad

hatred: Strong aversion; intense dislike; hateful regard; an affection of the mind awakened by something regarded as unpleasant, harmful or evil. Odio

feted: honoured, celebrated. Festejado

soaring: assurgent, ascending. Alza

Ease: The state of being comfortable or free from stress.

essay: A written composition of moderate length exploring a particular issue or subject.

acquiesce: To rest satisfied, or apparently satisfied, or to rest without opposition and discontent . Consentir

affable: Receiving others kindly and conversing with them in a free and friendly manner; friendly, courteous, sociable. Afable

atone: To make reparation, compensation, or amends, for an offence or a crime one has committed. Reparar algo

dangle: To hang loosely with the ability to swing. Colgar algo

Disrobe: to undress someone or something. Desnudar

Doleful: griefful, mournful, bringing feelings of sadness. Triste

Drought: A period of below average rain fall, longer and more severe than a dry spell. Sequía

Dumbfounded: shocked and speechless. Estupefacto.

Efface: To erase (as anything impressed or inscribed upon a surface); to render illegible or indiscernible. Borrar.

Elucidate: To make clear; to clarify; to shed light upon. Aclarar.

Endeavor: A sincere attempt. A determined or assiduous effort towards a specific goal. Esfuerzo.

Endorse: to support, to back, to give one's approval to, especially officially or by signature. Aprobar algo.

Enthral: To hold spellbound; to bewitch, charm or captivate. Captar la atención.

Extol: to praise; to make high. Ensalzar, exaltar.

Flimsy: Likely to bend or break under pressure; weak, shaky, flexible, or fragile. Frágil.

Gaudy: Very showy or ornamented, now especially when excessive, or in a tasteless or vulgar manner. Chillón.

Ghastly: Horrifyingly shocking. Espantoso.

Grumble: To complain. Refumfuñar

Harass: To annoy endlessly or systematically; to molest. Acosar.

Heretic: Someone who believes contrary to the fundamental tenets of a religion they claim to belong to. Hereje.

jeopardy: Danger of loss, harm, or failure. Peligro.

Loafer: An idle person.

Idle: Empty, vacant. Sin hacer nada.

Lustrous: As if shining with a brilliant light; radiant. Brillante, lustroso...

Meddle: To interfere into other people’s affairs or business. Entrometerse.

Mend: To repair, as anything that is torn, broken, defaced, decayed, or the like; to restore from partial decay, injury, or defacement; to patch up; to put in shape or order again; to re-create; as, to mend a garment or a machine. Coser, arreglar.

Mirth: The emotion usually following humour and accompanied by laughter; merriment; jollity; gaiety. Júbilo, alegría.

Neglect: To disregard or pay little attention to something. Desatender, negligencia.

perch: To stay in an elevated position.

Pervade: To be in every part of; to spread through. Dominar.

Petulant: Easily irritated or annoyed. Irascible.

Quash: To defeat forcibly. Anular.

Quench: To extinguish or put out (as a fire or light.) Apagar

Refurbish: To rebuild or replenish with all new material; to restore to original (or better) working order and appearance.

Rejoicing: An act of showing joy. Júbilo.

scattered: randomly distributed. Disperso

Shatter: to violently break something into pieces. Hacer añicos.

Shun: To avoid, especially persistently. Rechazar.

Sketchy: Roughly or hastily laid out; intended for later refinement. Superficial.

Stifled: Of or pertaining to something stifled or suppressed. Ahogado.

Strive: To try to achieve a result; to make strenuous effort; to try earnestly and persistently. Esforzarse.

Torpid: unmoving, dormant or hibernating. Aletargado

Treacherous: Exhibiting treachery. Traicionero

Tremor: To shake or quiver excessively and rapidly or involuntarily; to tremble. Temblar.

Tyro: A learner or beginner. Principiante

Uproar: Tumultuous, noisy excitement. Alboroto

Vindicate: To justify by providing evidence. Revindicar

Wan: Pale, sickly-looking. Pálido.

wile: A trick or stratagem practiced for ensnaring or deception; a sly, insidious artifice. Treta

Wrinkle: A line or crease in the skin, especially when caused by age or fatigue. Arruga.

haphazard: random; chaotic; incomplete; not thorough, constant or consistent

fate: The cause, force, principle, or divine will that predetermines events.

Insight: A sight or view of the interior of anything; a deep inspection or view; introspection; frequently used with into.

Tough: strong and resilient; sturdy

budget: The amount of money or resources earmarked for a particular institution, activity or time-frame.

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