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Molten: In melted form

Inorganic: Lifeless: having no characteristics of living things: not alive: not produced by living things

Magma: Hot molten minerals inside of the earth

Lava: Hot molten minerals on the earth’s surface

Felsic: Made mostly of light colored minerals

Mafic: Made mostly of dark colored minerals

Solution: A mixture of dissolved minerals and liquid ( salt water)

Element: Matter that is made of only one kind of atom

Compound: Matter that is made of two or more elements

Luster: A property that shows the way a mineral reflects light

Streak: A property that shows the true color of a mineral

Hardness: A property that shows how well minerals resist being scratched

Crystallization: the cooling and hardening of molten minerals

Rock: A naturally formed, solid material made of one or more minerals

Mineral: A solid, naturally made, inorganic element or compound that has a one of a kind chemical composition and a definite arrangement of atoms

Silicate mineral: A mineral that contains both silica and oxygen in its chemical composition

Igneous rock: A classification of rock that is formed by the rock cycle process of cooling and crystallization of molten magma or lava

Sedimentary rock: A classification of rock that is formed by the rock cycle process of deposition, burial, and lithification

Metamorphic rock: A classification of rock that is formed when existing rocks have been changed by the rock cycle process of burial, heat, and pressure

Rock cycle: A continuous cycle of natural processes that cause one classification of rock to become another classification of rock

paleomagnetism: -A record of the Earth’s magnetic field preserved by the alignment of magnetic minerals in the rocks of earth’s crust at the time that the rocks were formed

Metamorphism: To change the properties of any type of rocks

Supersaturation: The point at which a solution becomes overfilled with minerals and can no longer dissolve any more solid minerals

Evaporite mineral: A mineral that is precipitated out of solution

Sediment: Bits, Pieces, and fragments of rock remain of once living things

Deposition: The process of sediment being dropped on the earth’s surface

Radioactive element: An element that decays to form a new more stable element

Precipitate: To cause solid minerals to be separated from a solution

Compaction: The process of sediment being pressed tightly together

Lithification: The Process of sediments being compacted together and cemented together

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