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adulterate: to make impure by adding lesser substances; to corrupt

animosity: harsh feelings, enmity, resentment, hatred

apocryphal: of doubtful origin or authenticity, not genuine

avarice: greed for wealth

coalesce: to merge, to fuse, to join, to unite

collaborate: to work together

cryptic: mysterious, secret

desultory: jumping around, aimless, random

dissipation: wasteful spending, squandering

edifying: instructing and improving spiritually or morally

equivocate: to attempt to lie, to mislead, or to hide the truth

espousing: marrying, giving one's loyalty; adopting or embracing a cause

hedonist: one who seeks pleasure as the sole aim in life

indefatigable: tireless, incapable of being fatigued

interminable: having or seeming to have no end; wearisomely protracted

naive: unsophisticated; inexperienced

parody: humorous or ridiculous imitation

peripheral: on the edge, not important

portent: a sign or forewarning

prodigious: extraordinary in bulk, quantity, or degree; great in size, enormous

profane: showing contempt toward sacred things

respite: a rest, a delay, a period of relief

sordid: filthy, foul

surfeited: fed or supplied to excess

trifling: not significant, frivolous

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