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What is Government?: An institution that makes rules about Conflict Resolution & Allocation of Resources

Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679): - Nature is brutal
- People need government to protect themselves from each other
- Government becomes soverign
- All laws must be applied with absolute equality

John Locke: –  Government’s purpose is to protect already existing “Natural Rights” (life, liberty, property)
–  Property was key
–  Also argued for equality under the law

Jean Jacques Rousseau: –  Government by popular consent
… Limited Government

Autocracy/Monarchy: - One ruler (king or dictator)

Oligarchy (or Plutocracy): Rule by the few - by the elite – to the benefit of one group

Aristocracy: Rule by the chosen – either due to birth, marriage or talent

Representative Democracy: –  Government where representatives elected by the people make decisions & enforce laws
–  There may or may not be a monarch or other unelected authority figure
–  Examples: US, UK, Canada, India, Mexico, etc.

Republic: –  Power rests with the people who elect representatives
–  All persons in positions of political authority are chosen– directly or indirectly – by the people (citizens); there is no king or queen
–  Government power usually is res

Direct Democracy: –  When the people make decisions directly rather than through representatives
–  Examples: Many countries use some direct democracy, but no modern nation relies entirely on direct democracy to run the affairs of the
country. The US uses d

Limited Government: –  Idea or belief that governmental powers are restricted by written document or general
•  Constitutionalism – rules to limit power
–  Does not necessarily mean “small” government, but rather that the governmen

Pluralism: –  Concept that there are many groups in political conflict.
–  Today it usually refers to cultural and racial/ethnicinterests – but can mean other values/agendas

Hyper-pluralism: –  Belief or fear that the interests of so many divergent groups supersede interests of society as a whole
–  Lack of consensus

Elite Theory: Belief that society is controlled by small,
powerful group who exercise that power in
their own self-interest

Liberalism: – Belief in pro-active government to improve
welfare, civil rights and tolerance for change – Support for a pro-active government is tied
specifically to improving/expanding equality

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