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Collaborate: to work together to reach a goal

Oceanography: A branch of science that students the earth's science

elevation: Detailed map showing the and valleys of an area's by using contour lines to represent changes in

Topographic map: errors caused by inconsistencies and inaccuracies while collecting experimental data that can be limited by repeating

index contour: Lines on topographic map that are marked with their corresponding elevation.

index countor: -Lines on topographic map that are marked with their corresponding elevation.

scientific law: - a basic principle that describes the behavior of a natural phenomenons

earth science: -a branch of science that studies the interaction of earth’s land, water, air and outer space

hemisphere: half of the earth

content: -one of the seven major land areas of the earth

equater: -the line of 00 latitude half between the poles separating the northern hemisphere from the southern hemisphere.

aqueduct: -a system of man-made canals, tunnels, and pipelines built to transport fresh water into highly populated areas where there is not enough.

hypothisis: a specific , testable proposed answer to one specific question

astronomy: the branch of science that deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole.

plateau: an area of relatively level high ground.

contour interval: -the difference in elevation between side by side contour lines

geology: a branch of science that students the solid parts of the earth and how natrual forces

meterology: the scientific study of measurement.

blind study: experiments in which the scientist do not know which group is the control group and which group is the test group that are designed to limit observer's bias

limestone: a stone composed of many fragments

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