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Amendments: 13th- ends slavery
14th- equal protection under the law, and citizenship for former slaves
15th- Right to vote

Jim Crow Laws: Keeps the races separate- segregation laws
Schools, restaurants and public places separate.

Jim Crow- Purpose: Keep the races separate
Imtimidate African Americans- true in the area of voting
Prevent African Americans from voting or registering to vote- Literacy tests
Poll taxes

Plessy v. Ferguson: Establshed the idea that segregation was lawful
Established the doctrine of "separate but equal"
Public facilitates would be the same quality for whites and blacks

Brown v. Board of Edu: Overturned Plessy v. Ferguson
Allowed for the integration of public schools
Thurgood Marshall

Effect of Brown Case: Open the door to challenge all segregation laws
It helped to foster the idea that all Americans are entitled to equal access to the law

Rosa Parks: Refused to give up her seat on a public bus to a white man in Montgomery
she was arrested
Began the Montgomery Bus Boycott

Rosa Parks 2: African Americans churches and everyone in her community came to her defense.
Federal court ruled that the Alabama law was unconstitutional.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: Leader of the Southern CHristian Leaadership Conference
Found this group during the bus boycott
Used non-violent protests to draw attention

March on Washington: August 28, 11963, about 250000 people joined Dr. King on a march to Washington DC. to the Lincoln Memorial
Government started making new laws for civil rights

Greensboro Nc: Would not serve African Americans
Sit in at a lunch counter
4 African American college students and others joined in
Effective protest tactic

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