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Photosphere: a sphere of light; the surface layer of the sun; the layer visible to the observer on Earth.

Chromosphere: A colorful layer of gases that surrounds the sun's photosphere; visible only through a monochromator.

Corona: A vapor blanket that surrounds the chromosphere and extends to about 249,000 miles from the surface of the sun; visible only during a total solar eclipse.

Solar Eclipse: The blocking out of the sun's light that occurs when the moon comes between the earth and the sun.

Lunar Eclipse: the obscuring of the moon that occurs when the earth comes between it and the sun; the moon is temporarily darkened as it passes through the earth's shadow.

Air Pressure: the total weight of air on some particular place on earth

Atmosphere: the layer of gases surrounding a planet or moon; Earth's atmosphere is made of a mixture of gases called air.

Ozone: a form of oxygen with three atoms of oxygen in its molecule instead of two atoms found in molecules of normal oxygen gas

Airglow: A light visible on the horizon on especially dark and clear nights; cast by ions created when solar rays strip electrons from atoms of gases in the upper atmosphere.

Meteroids: a small solid piece of rocky debris traveling through space; many meteoroids are fragments broken off asteroids.

Ion: an atom that is either positively charged because it has lost some or all of its electrons, or negatively charged because it has picked up one or more extra electrons.

Solar wind: a steady stream of subatomic particles speeding outward from the sun and through space at a million miles per hour.

Aurora Australis: the southern lights

Aurora borealis: the northern lights

What happens to air when it is heated?: The air expands and takes up more space

What happens when air is cooled?: The air contracts and takes up less space.

What is the protective wrapper around the earth?: Atmosphere

Air: a mixture of invisible gases found in the atmosphere.

Name the 3 gases air is made up of along with the percents: Nitrogen - 78
Oxygen - 21
Carbon dioxide and other gases - 1

What does air do for us?: breathe, hear, fresh water, warm the earth, protect the earth

Troposphere: The thinnest layer of the atmosphere and the one closest to the earth; contains 75% of the atmosphere's air and is the home of weather.

Stratosphere: layer of the earth's atmosphere located above the troposphere and below the mesosphere. Contains the ozone layer.

Mesosphere: layer of the Earth's atmosphere that is directly above the stratosphere and directly below the thermosphere; very cold layer of air, protects earth from the meteoroids and meteors.

Meteor: burning meteoroids or shooting stars

Aurora: light caused by Earth's magnetic field and solar wind

What does the ozone layer protect us from?: Ultraviolet rays

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