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Flash-Forward: An interject scene in which a future event is inserted into the chronological structure of the story.

Foreshadowing: Hints or clues to future events in the story.

Hyperbole: Obvious and intentional exaggeration to provoke an emotional response from the reader.

Simile: Comparing two unrelated things using the words "like" or "as".

Dynamic Character: A character who changes during the course of a story.

Personifaction: Giving a non-human object human characteristics.

Setting: The time and place where a story occurs.

Oxymoron: Using two words with opposite meaning to create a new single meaning.

Theme: The message or lesson of the story.

Metaphor: Comparing two unrelated things (without using the words "like" or "as".)

Irony: When an event occurs which is unexpected, in the sense that it is somehow absurd from what is anticipated.

Allusion: Reference in a story to a person, place, or thing in history or another work of literature.

Antagonist: The "opposite" of the main character in the story and usually the one causing the conflict. The bad guy.

Pun: Using similar or identical sound words to create an alternate meaning in the sentence.

Static Character: A character who does not change during the course of a story.

Symbolism: The use of specific objects or images to represent bigger ideas.

Alleteration: Using the repetition of a consonant sound in a sentence.

Protagonist: The main character in the story. The one whom the reader is meant to identify with and "cheer" for. The good guy.

Flash-Back: An interject scene in a story that take the reader back in time to previous events.

Conflict: The struggle between opposing forces which is the driving force of the story.

Cliche: An expression that had been used so often that it has become boring or trite.

Onomatopoeia: Words that imitate or suggest the sound of the actual words.

Idiom: A construction of words or a phrase that means something different than what the words are literally saying.

Mood: The general sense or feeling which the reader is supposed to get from the text.

Imagery: Language the emphasized sensory details that help a reader to see, feel, smell, taste, or hear the scenes in the story.

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