High Scores
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All terms in this list:

I miss you: tu me manques

to be troubled, upset: être embêté(e)

firing (from a job): un licenciement

to fire (a job): mettre à la porte (fam.)

to inherite: hériter

happiness: bonheur

to welcome: accueillir

to worry: s'inquiéter

a bridge: un pont

railroad tracks: les voies de chemin de fer

to hit, to strike: frapper

to delay, to slow down: retarder

to seize: saisir

to gather together: réunir

badly hurt: grièvement blessé(e)

to drag (oneself): se traîner

to take care of, to nurse: soigner

a trick (trap): une ruse (un piège)

to gain someone's trust: mettre en confiance

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