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chol/e: bile, gall

-phagia: swallowing

enter/0: small intestine

an/o: anus

col/o: large intestine

cholecyst/o: gallbladder

-lithiasis: presence of stone

hepat/o: liver

-pepsia: digestion

-emesis: vomitting

anoscopy: visual examination of the anal canal and lower rectum is known as

stomatomycosis: any disease of the mouth due to a fungus

ileum: last and longest portion of the small intestine

bile: the live secretes blank, which is stored in the gallbladder for later use

periodontium: the bone and soft tissues that surround and support the teeth are known as the...

intussusception: condition characterized by the telescoping of one part of the intestine into another is...

gastrectomy: surgical removal of all or part of the stomach is a...

dysphagia: medical term meaning difficulty swallowing is...

bruxism: involuntary grinding or clenching of the teeth is called...

cirrhosis: chronic degeneration of the liver often caused by excessive alcohol abuse is called...

bilirubin: jundice can be caused by an excess of the pigment called...

areophagia: excessive swallowing of air while eating or drinking is known as...

regurgitation: the return of swallowed food to the mouth is known as...

jaundice: a yellow discoloration of the skin caused by greater than normal amounts of bilirubin in the blood is called...

pyloric sphincter: ring like muscle that controls the flow from the stomach to the small intestine

gallbladder: structure that stores and concentrates bile to aid in the digestion of fats

jejunmum: middle portion of the small intestine

borborygmus: rumbling noise caused by the movement of gas in the intestine

volvulus: twisting of the intestine on itself

proctopexy: surgical fixation of the rectum to an adjacent tissue or organ

anastomosis: surgical connection between two hollow, or tubular, structures

trismus: any restriction to the opening of the mouth caused by trauma, surgery, or radiation associated with the treatment of oral cancer

diverticulum: a pouch or sac found in the lining or wall of a tubular organ such as the colon

aphthous ulcers: lesions that are grey-white pits with a red border in the soft tissue lining of the mouth

E. Coli: infectious disease of the intestines that is transmitted through contaminated foods that have not been properly cooked

cholecystitis: inflammation of the gallbladder

celiac disease: autoimmune disease also known as gluten intolerance

ileus: partial or complete blockage of the small or large intestine caused by the stopping of the normal peristalsis of this area of the intestine

pyrosis: Tony DeNatali suffers from heartburn caused by the return of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus. His doctor calls this condition

cholecystectomy: general term for the removal of the gallbladder

hemoccult test: test used to detect hidden blood in the stools

prophylaxis: Peggy Sue visited the dentist for the removal of the dental plaque and calculus that had formed on her teeth. This procedure is a dental...

esophageal varices: Dante Hughes was diagnosed as having enlarged and swollen veins at the lower end of the esophagus. These are known as...

gasttostomy tube: Andy Wiggins was unable to swallow due to his severe injuries. The doctors had to insert a ..... so that he would receive sufficient nutrition..

hepatomegaly: enlargment of the liver

cholangitis: inflammation of the bile duct

ileectomy: surgical removal of the ileum

xerostomia: dry mouth

antiemetic: relieve's nausea

peristalsis: wave like contractions of the smooth muscles in a single direction that moves food forward into the digestive system

eructation: act of belching or raising gas orally from stomach

dicerticulum: small pouch or sac occurring in the lining or wall of a tubular organ

cachexia: condition of physical wasting away due to the loss of weight and muscle mass

colotomy: surgical incision into the colon

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