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manges: eat

a: to

robe: dress

elle: it, she (Elle mange)

calme: calm

tu: you

et: and

une: a

il: it or he (He eats) (It is)

Il mange: He eats

La robe est rouge: The dress is red.

rouge: red

Tu manges une orange: You eat an orange.

Il a un chat.: He has a cat

chat: cat

Tu es un homme.: You are a man.

L'homme et la femme.: The man and the woman.

Je suis une fille.: I am a girl.

Il mange une pomme.: He eats an apple.

la: the

Je mange.: I eat.

Tu mangez.: You eat.

Ils mangent.: They eat.

le garcon: the boy

suis: am

est: is

Je suis: I am

Tu es: You are

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