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interruption of services: always have a plan

before termination of services: discuss client's views and needs, suggest additional service providers, help transfer to another service provider if necessary

informed consent: explicit permission before any assessment or treatment provided after full disclosure and info given

valid informed consent must include: capacity

capacity: age of majority

information: right to refuse
withdraw consent at any time
exact nature of services
expected benefits/risks

determine if person has enough info: give them all of the info then ask questions to check for understanding

voluntariness: no coercion/duress

how formal should consent be?: more intrusive=more formal

individuals incapable of giving informed consent: provide appropriate explanation
discontinue if person gives clear signs of unwillingness
get permission from an authorized person

no one to give consent: bx must be judged to present imminent danger
reasonable probability that services will benefit
procedural safeguards must be in place

strong conclusions cannot be made: based on informal assessment methods

can only make hyptheses

results of assessments: must be explained in understandable language

always check for understanding

environmental conditions: explain what is needed in everyday language
if not possible, recommend other professional services

environmental conditions hamper treatment: try to eliminate the environmental constraints or id in writing the obstacles to doing so

recommend this first: reinforcement, if punishment is necessary, always include rx procedures for alternative bx

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