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devout: -Devoted to religion or to religious feelings and duties; absorbed in religious exercises; given to devotion; pious; reverent; religious. -Expressing devotion or piety; as, eyes devout; sighs devout; a devout posture.

despise: To regard with contempt or scorn.

solace: [noun] -Comfort or consolation in a time of distress. -A source of comfort or consolation. [verb] -To give solace to; comfort; cheer; console. -To allay or assuage.

misgivings: Plural form of misgiving. Doubt; hesitation; reluctance; worry; concern.

ensuing: [verb] -Present participle of ensue. [adjective] -Refers to the actions, consequences, and repercussions which result from some prior stimulus or event.

resent: [verb] -To express or exhibit displeasure or indignation at, as by words or acts. -To be sensible of; to feel

fanatically: In a fanatical manner; with extreme, irrational zeal or enthusiasm.

pervade: To be in every part of; to spread through

uncouth: [adjective] -Unfamiliar, strange, foreign. -Clumsy, awkward.

torrential: Coming or characterized by torrents; flowing heavily or in large quantities.

insipid: -Unappetizingly flavorless. -Flat; lacking character or definition.

frantically: In a frantic way.

frantic: -Insane, mentally unstable. -In a state of panic, worry, frenzy or rush

sturdy: [adjective] -of firm build -solid in structure or person [noun] -A disease in sheep and cattle, marked by great nervousness, or by dullness and stupor.

oblige: -To constrain someone by force or by social, moral or legal means. -To do someone a service or favour (hence, originally, creating an obligation).

buoyant: -having buoyancy; able to float -lighthearted and lively

transoceanic: -beyond or on the other side of an ocean -crossing an ocean

perennial: A perennial plant; a plant that is active throughout the year or survives for more than two growing seasons. Compare annual, biennial.

perennial: -Lasting or remaining active throughout the year, or all the time. -(of a plant) Having a life cycle of more than two years. Compare annual, biennial.

accosted: [adjective] Supported on both sides by other charges; also, side by side [verb] Simple past tense and past participle of accost (approach and address someone boldly or aggressively).

flaunt: -To parade, display with ostentation. -(archaic or literary) To show off with flashy clothing.

sappy: -Excessively sweet, emotional, nostalgic; cheesy; mushy. -Having sap or having to do with sap.

devour: To eat quickly, greedily, or hungrily; to eat by swallowing large bits of food with little or no chewing.

irrepressible: Not containable or controllable.

hapless: Very unlucky; ill-fated.

reveler: Alternative spelling of reveller.

reveller: One who revels(Enjoy oneself in a lively and noisy way, esp. with drinking and dancing)

transfigure: -To transform the outward appearance of something; to convert into a different form, state or substance. -To glorify or exalt something or someone.

console: [noun] -A cabinet designed to stand on the floor. -A cabinet that controls, instruments, and displays are mounted upon. [verb] -To comfort (someone) in a time of grief, disappointment, etc.

retort: -A sharp or witty reply, or one which turns an argument against its originator. -A flask with a rounded base and a long neck that is bent down and tapered, used to heat a liquid for distillation.

retort: -To say something sharp or witty in answer to a remark or accusation. -To make a remark which reverses an argument upon its originator.

preserver: One who preserves.

fiasco: A ludicrous or humiliating failure. Some effort that went quite wrong.

grope: -To feel with or use the hands; to handle. -To search or attempt to find something in the dark, or, as a blind person, by feeling; to move about hesitatingly, as in darkness or obscurity; to feel one's way, as with the hands, when one can not see.

nimble: -Quick and light in movement or action. -Quick-witted and alert.

atypical: Unusual or irregular.

indiscriminate: Without care or making distinctions, thoughtless.

discern: -To detect with the senses, especially with the eyes. -To perceive, recognize, or comprehend with the mind; to descry.

indigenous: -born or engendered in, native to a land or region, especially before an intrusion, especially of plants and indigenous peoples. -figuratively, innate

alliterative: In the form or style of alliteration(The occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words).

voluble: -fluent or having a ready flow of speech; garrulous or loquacious -easily rolling or turning

mercurial: -Volatile; erratic; unstable; flighty; fickle or changeable in temperament. -Lively; clever; sprightly; animated; quick-witted.

archetypal: Of or pertaining to an archetype(A very typical example of a certain person or thing).

circumspect: Carefully aware of all circumstances; considerate of all that is pertinent.

retrench: -To cut down or reduce something -To dig or redig a trench where one already was.

intercede: -To plea on someone else's behalf. -To act as a mediator in a dispute; to arbitrate or mediate.

lucid: -clear; easily understood -mentally rational; sane

clemency: -The moderation of the severity of a punishment -Forgiveness or compassion.

facility: -ease in learning or doing something -an installation, contrivance, or other thing which facilitates something; a place for doing something

lassitude: -Lethargy or lack of energy; fatigue. -Listlessness or languor.

laxity: -The state of being lax; looseness, lack of tension. -Moral looseness; lack of rigorousness or strictness.

trenchant: -Fitted to trench or cut; gutting; sharp. -Keen; biting; vigorously effective and articulate; severe; as, trenchant wit.

ebullient: boiling, agitated, enthusiastic

sardonic: -Scornfully mocking or cynical. -Disdainfully or ironically humorous.

portentous: -ominous; portending evil. -marvelous; prodigious; wonderful.

precocious: -Characterized by exceptionally early development or maturity. -Exhibiting advanced skills at an abnormally early age.

spurious: -false, not authentic, not genuine -bastardly, illegitimate

contentious: -Marked by heated arguments or controversy. -Given to struggling with others out of jealousy or discord.

unctuous: -Excessively or ingratiatingly flattering; oily. -Rich, lush, intense, with layers of concentrated, soft, velvety flavor.

sedulous: Diligent in application or pursuit; constant, steady, and persevering in business or in endeavors to effect an object; steadily industrious; assiduous.

sanctimonious: -Making a show of being morally better than others, especially hypocritically pious. -Holy, devout.

dogmatic: Stubbornly adhering to insufficiently proven beliefs; inflexible, rigid.

espoused: Simple past tense and past participle of espouse(Adopt or support (a cause, belief, or way of life).

stentorian: (of a voice) loud, powerful, booming, suitable for giving speeches to large crowds

candid: [adjective] -Impartial and free from prejudice. -Straightforward, open and sincere. [noun] -A spontaneous or unposed photograph.

promulgate: -To make known or public. -To put into effect as a regulation.

perversion: -noun The action of perverting someone or something; humiliation; debasement. -The state of being perverted; depravity; viciousness.

perverse: -turned aside; hence, specifically,turned away from the (morally) right; willfully erring; wicked; perverted. -Obstinately in the wrong; stubborn; intractable; hence, wayward; vexing; contrary.

dissension: -An act of expressing dissent, especially spoken. -Strong disagreement; a contention or quarrel; discord.

erudite: learned, scholarly, with emphasis on knowledge gained from books.

schism: -A split or separation within a group or organization, typically caused by discord. -A formal division or split within a religious body.

pervade: To be in every part of; to spread through

garrulous: -Excessively or tiresomely talkative. -Excessively wordy and rambling.

bastion: a projecting part of a rampart or other fortification(A defensive wall or other reinforcement built to strengthen a place against attack)

reprisal: act of retaliation

decry: -To denounce as harmful. -To blame for ills.

condone: -To forgive, excuse or overlook (something). -To allow, accept or permit (something).

conservatism: -A political philosophy that advocates traditional values. -A risk-averse(unwilling) attitude or approach.

peripatetic: Walking about; itinerant; nomadic.

peripatetic: Walking about; itinerant; nomadic.

plausible: -Seemingly or apparently valid, likely, or acceptable; crediblea plausible excuse. -Worthy of being applauded; praiseworthy; commendable; ready.

cavil: [verb] -To criticise for petty or frivolous (unimportant)reasons. [noun] -A petty or trivial objection or criticism

deride: To harshly mock; ridicule.

extraneous: -Not belonging to, or dependent upon, a thing; without or beyond a thing; foreign -Not essential or intrinsic

exodus: A sudden departure of a large number of people.

deplore: -To bewail; to weep bitterly over; to feel sorrow for. -To condemn; to express strong disapproval of.

relish: -To taste or eat with pleasure; to like the flavor of. -To take great pleasure in something; to enjoy; to approach with zeal or enthusiasm; to be pleased with or gratified by; to experience pleasure from.

desultory: Jumping, or passing, from one thing or subject to another, without order or rational connection; without logical sequence; disconnected; immethodical; aimless. Syn: incoherent, disconnected, disjointed, rambling, unconnected

equivocator: Agent noun of equivocate(Use ambiguous language so as to conceal the truth or avoid committing oneself); one who equivocates. - a respondent who avoids giving a clear direct answer

forthright: straightforward; not evasive; characterized by candor(The quality of being open and honest in expression; frankness) and directness

malingering: Present participle of malinger(Exaggerate or feign illness in order to escape duty or work).

feign: -To give a mental existence to something that is not real or actual; to imagine; to invent; to pretend; to form and relate as if true. -To represent by a false appearance of; to pretend; to counterfeit.

arduous: -Needing or using up much energy; testing powers of endurance. -Hard to climb. -Involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring

arduous: -Needing or using up much energy; testing powers of endurance. -Hard to climb. -Involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring

proselytizing: Present participle of proselytize(Convert or attempt to convert (someone) from one religion, belief, or opinion to another).

proselytizing: Present participle of proselytize(Convert or attempt to convert (someone) from one religion, belief, or opinion to another).

interminable: Existing or occurring without interruption or end; ceaseless, unending.

invalidation: The act of invalidating, or the state of being invalidated(Make (an argument, statement, or theory) unsound or erroneous).

propitious: -Favorable; benevolent (e.g. propitious weather) -Favorably disposed towards someone.

altruism: Regard for others, both natural and moral; devotion to the interests of others; brotherly kindness; – opposed to egoism or selfishness.

eclectic: [adjective] -Selecting a mixture of what appear to be best of various doctrines, methods or styles. -Unrelated and unspecialized; heterogeneous [noun] -Someone who selects according to the eclectic method.

bibliomania: The obsession of owning valuable books.

covetous: Inordinately desirous; excessively eager to obtain and possess (especially money); avaricious(Having or showing an extreme greed for wealth or material gain);

avarice: -Excessive or inordinate desire of gain; greediness after wealth; covetousness; cupidity. -Inordinate desire for some supposed good.

inadvertent: not intentional; not on purpose; not conscious

egocentricity: The quality of being egocentric(Thinking only of oneself, without regard for the feelings or desires of others; self-centered)

magnanimous: Noble and generous in spirit.

protracted: Simple past tense and past participle of protract(Prolong).

abstruse: remote from apprehension; difficult to comprehend or understand; recondite; as in abstruse learning.

obtrude: -To impose oneself (or one's opinions) on others; to cut in -To jut out, or push forward

unobtrusive: not noticeable or blatant( of bad behavior; Done openly and unashamedly); inconspicuous

nomadic: leading a wandering life with no fixed abode; peripatetic, itinerant

ramshackle: In disrepair or disorder; poorly maintained; lacking upkeep, usually of buildings or vehicles.

hyperbole: -Extreme exaggeration or overstatement; especially as a literary or rhetorical device. -Deliberate exaggeration.

banal: Common in a boring way, to the point of being predictable; containing nothing new or fresh.

eclipse: To overshadow; to be better or more noticeable than.

pantomime: -To gesture without speaking. -To entertain others by silent gestures or actions.

approbation: The act of approving; an assenting to the propriety of a thing with some degree of pleasure or satisfaction; approval, sanction, commendation or official recognition

tyro: -a learner or beginner -a freshman or greenhorn

gourmet: A connoisseur in eating and drinking. Also called a foodie, a gourmet is someone who takes their food considerably more seriously than most. Some might say that they live to eat rather than eating to live. They appreciate fine quality of food. Gourmets st

gourmet: fine

xenophobe: One who fears that which is unknown; one who fears people who are different from oneself, especially in the case of foreign people

vainglory: -Excessive vanity. -Boastful, unwarranted pride in one's accomplishments or qualities.

extrapolate: -To infer by extending known information. -To estimate the value of a variable outside a known range from values within that range by assuming that the estimated value follows logically from the known ones

antipathy: -Contrariety or opposition in feeling; settled aversion or dislike; repugnance; distaste. -Natural contrariety; incompatibility; repugnancy of qualities; as, oil and water have antipathy.

lax: -Lenient and allowing for deviation; not strict. -Loose; not tight or taut.

ebullient: boiling, agitated, enthusiastic

shun: -To avoid, especially persistently. -To escape (a threatening evil, an unwelcome task etc).

domineering: [verb] Present participle of domineer (assert one's will over another in an arrogant way). [adjective] overbearing, dictatorial or authoritarian

congenial: [adjective] -having the same or very similar nature, personality, tastes, habits or interests -friendly or sociable

pretentious: -Marked by an unwarranted claim to importance or distinction -Ostentatious; intended to impress others

supercilious: Arrogantly superior; showing contemptuous indifference; haughty.

fastidious: -Excessively particular, demanding, or fussy about details. -Overly concerned about tidiness and cleanliness.

garbled: [adjective] (of a message etc) difficult to understand because it has been distorted; scrambled [verb] Simple past tense and past participle of garble.

cantankerous: Stubborn, cranky,surly, ill-humored,irritable

iconoclastic: Characterized by attack on established beliefs or institutions; of or pertaining to iconoclasm.

trite: Worn out; hackneyed; used so many times that it is no longer interesting or effective (often in reference to a word or phrase).

rescind: To repeal, annul, or declare void.

presuppose: To assume some truth without proof, usually for the purpose of reaching a conclusion based on that truth.

depreciate: -To reduce in value over time. -To belittle

exasperation: -The act of exasperating or the state of being exasperated; irritation; keen or bitter anger. -Increase of violence or malignity; aggravation; exacerbation.

chagrin: [noun] -Distress of mind caused by a failure of aims or plans, want of appreciation, mistakes etc; vexation or mortification. -A type of leather or skin with a rough surface. [verb] To bother or vex; to mortify.

nostalgia: -A longing for home or familiar surroundings; homesickness. -A bittersweet yearning for the things of the past.

lethargy: -A state of fatigue, sluggishness, lassitude and inactivity. -A state of apathy with lack of emotion or interest.

renegade: -An outlaw or rebel. -A disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause, religion, political party, friend, etc.

skeptic: -Someone who habitually doubts beliefs and claims presented as accepted by others, requiring strong evidence before accepting any belief or claim. -Someone undecided as to what is true.

conviction: -A firmly held belief. -A judgement of guilt in a court of law.

extravagance: -excessive or superfluous expenditure of money -prodigality (extravagance) as in extravagance of anger, love, expression, imagination, or demands.

frivolity: -frivolous (not having any serious purpose or value) act -state of being frivolous

prosaic: -Pertaining to or having the characteristics of prose. -Straightforward; matter-of-fact; lacking the feeling or elegance of poetry.

prose: Language, particularly written language, not intended as poetry.

exacting: [adjective] -Making excessive demands; hard to satisfy. -Requiring precise accuracy [verb] Present participle of exact ( demand, require, claim).

belie: -To give a false representation of something. -To tell lies about someone.

progeny: -offspring or descendants. -result of a creative effort

impede: to get in the way of; to hinder

rile: -to make angry -to stir or move from a state of calm or order

placate: To calm; to bring peace to; to influence someone who was furious to the point that he or she becomes content or at least no longer irate.

orchestrate: -to compose or arrange orchestral music for a dramatic performance -to arrange or direct diverse elements to achieve a desired effect

thwart: to prevent; to halt; to cause to fail; to foil; to frustrate

assail: To attack violently.

reciprocate: -To mutually give and take something; to interchange. -To give something in response

cogent: -Reasonable and convincing; based on evidence. -Appealing to the intellect or powers of reasoning.

cogency: The state of being cogent; the characteristic or quality of being reasonable and persuasive.

rhetoric: -The art of using language, especially public speaking, as a means to persuade. -Meaningless language with an exaggerated style intended to impress.

radical: Favouring fundamental change, or change at the root cause of a matter.

radical: [adjective] Favouring fundamental change, or change at the root cause of a matter. [noun] A member of an influential, centrist political party favouring moderate social reform, a republican constitution, and secular politics.

formulaic: closely following a formula or predictable pattern; imitative, not original

incongruous: Not similar or congruent; not matching or fitting in.

corroborate: To confirm, strengthen or support something with additional evidence; to attest or vouch.

perspicacious: -Of acute discernment; having keen insight; mentally perceptive. -Able to physically see clearly; quick-sighted; sharp-sighted.

phlegmatic: -Not easily excited to action or passion; calm; sluggish. -Abounding in phlegm; as, phlegmatic humors; a phlegmatic constitution.

sedate: [adjective] in a composed and temperate (mild, moderate, calm) state. [verb] to tranquilize by giving a sedative.

acrimonious: Of words, arguments, quarrels: bitter; mean-spirited; sharp in language or tone.

propitious: -Favorable; benevolent (e.g. propitious weather) -Favorably disposed towards someone.

hyperbolic: of, or relating to hyperbole (exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally); exaggerated

euphemistic: of or pertaining to euphemism (a mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing)

pejorative: [adjective] Disparaging, belittling or derogatory. [noun] A disparaging, belittling, or derogatory word or expression.

derivative: [adjective] -Imitative of the work of someone else. -Referring to a work, such as a translation or adaptation, based on another work that may be subject to copyright restrictions. [noun] -Something derived. -A word that derives from another one.

reprimand: A severe, formal or official reproof; reprehension, rebuke, private or public.

diffident: -Lacking confidence in others; distrustful. -Lacking confidence in one's self; distrustful of one's own powers; not self-reliant; timid; modest; bashful; characterized by modest reserve.

reticent: Keeping one's thoughts and opinions to oneself; reserved or restrained.

furtive: -stealthy -exhibiting guilty or evasive secrecy.

folly: -foolishness -thoughtless action resulting in tragic consequence

vice: [noun] -A bad habit. -prostitution [adjective] in place of; subordinate to; designating a person below another in rank [preposition] instead of, in place of

altruism: Regard for others, both natural and moral; devotion to the interests of others; brotherly kindness; – opposed to egoism or selfishness.

colloquial: -Denoting a manner of speaking or writing that is characteristic of familiar conversation; informal. -Of or pertaining to a conversation; conversational or chatty.

condescending: [adjective] Assuming a tone of superiority, or a patronizing attitude. [verb] Present participle of condescend.

professorial: Relating to or characteristic of a professor.

internist: A physician who specialises in internal medicine.

impertinent: -insolent, ill-mannered -irrelevant (opposite of pertinent)

pertinent: important with regards to (a subject or matter); relevant

uncontroversial: not controversial

opinionated: Holding to one's own opinion, obstinately, stubbornly and unreasonably.

equivocal: A word or expression capable of different meanings; an ambiguous term; an equivoque.

veracious: truthful

innocuous: -Harmless; producing no ill effect; innocent. -Inoffensive; unprovocative; not exceptional.

truculence: The state of being truculent.

skepticism: -The practice or philosophy of being a skeptic. -A studied attitude of questioning and doubt

incredulity: -Unwillingness or inability to believe; doubt about the truth or verisimilitude of something; disbelief. -Religious disbelief, lack of faith.

acquiescence: -The reluctant acceptance of something without protest -A silent or passive assent or submission, or a submission with apparent content; - distinguished from avowed consent on the one hand, and on the other, from opposition or open discontent; quiet satis

ardent: -Full of ardor; fervent, passionate. -Burning; glowing; shining.

repression: -The restraint, prevention, or inhibition of a feeling, quality, etc [e.g. the repression of anger can be positively harmful] -The involuntary rejection from consciousness of painful or disagreeable ideas, memories, feelings, or impulses.

intrusive: Tending or apt to intrude (obtrude, interfere); doing that which is not welcome; interrupting or disturbing; entering without right or welcome.

tonic: [adjective] Restorative, curative or invigorating. [noun] -A drink intended to restore or invigorate. -Tonic water.

enervating: Present participle of enervate (cause someone to feel drained of energy or vitality; weaken)

aberration: The act of wandering; deviation, especially from truth or moral rectitude, from the natural state, or from a type.

rectitude: Rightness of principle or practice; exact conformity to truth, or to the rules prescribed for moral conduct, either by divine or human laws; (moral) uprightness; integrity; honesty; morality.

caricature: [noun] A pictorial representation of someone in which distinguishing features are exaggerated for comic effect. A grotesque misrepresentation. [verb] To represent someone in an exaggerated or distorted manner.

clemency: -The moderation (leniency) of the severity of a punishment -Forgiveness or compassion.

moderation: -the state or quality of being moderate; avoidance of extremes -a change which improves quality

gusto: enthusiasm; enjoyment, vigor

breadth: The extent or measure of how broad or wide something is.

intricacy: -The state or quality of being intricate or entangled; -Perplexity; involution; complication; complexity;

composure: Calmness of mind or matter, self-possession.

perspicacity: -Acute discernment or understanding; insight. -The human faculty or power to mentally grasp or understand clearly.

forbearance: -Restraint under provocation. -A refraining from the enforcement of something (as a debt, right, or obligation) that is due.

benevolence: -disposition to do good -charitable kindness

litigation: The conduct of a lawsuit (A claim or dispute brought to a court of law for adjudication)

effervescence: the escape of gas from solution in a liquid, especially the escape of carbon dioxide from a carbonated drink

vindication: -the act of vindicating or the state of being vindicated -evidence, facts, statements or arguments that justify a claim or belief

hoard: [noun] -A hidden, secret supply or fund. -A cache of valuable objects or artefacts; a trove. [verb] To amass, usually for one's personal collection.

pugnacious: Naturally aggressive or hostile; combative; belligerent.

exacerbate: To make (pain, anger, etc.) worse; aggravate.

aggravate: To make worse, or more severe; to render less tolerable or less excusable; to make more offensive; to enhance; to intensify.

imponderable: -Difficult or impossible to estimate, assess, or answer: "an imponderable problem" -Not ponderable (capable of being weighed or considered); without sensible or appreciable weight; incapable of being weighed.

prescient: Having knowledge of events before they take place; possessing or exhibiting prescience.

fallible: Capable of making mistakes or being wrong.

skeptical: Having, or expressing doubt; questioning.

extradition: a formal process by which a criminal suspect held by one government is handed over to another government for trial or, if the suspect has already been tried and found guilty, to serve his or her sentence

sentiment: A general thought, feeling, or sense.

deluge: [noun] -A great flood or rain. -An overwhelming amount of something. [verb] -To flood with water. -To overwhelm.

inundate: -To cover with large amounts of water; to flood. -To overwhelm.

deferential: -respectful and considerate; showing deference -of, or relating to the vas deferens

deference: -Great respect. -The willingness to carry out the wishes of others.

querulous: Often complaining; suggesting a complaint in expression; fretful, whining.

bemuse: To confuse or bewilder.

enviable: Arousing or likely to arouse envy.

stringent: Strict; binding strongly; making strict requirements; restrictive; rigid; severe

callous: Emotionally hardened; unfeeling and indifferent to the suffering/feelings of others.

inordinate: Excessive; unreasonable or inappropriate in magnitude; extreme.

cursory: Brief or broad; not close, cautious, nor detailed.

scanty: -Somewhat less than is needed in amplitude or extent. -Sparing; niggardly; parsimonious.

copious: -Great in quantity or number, profuse, abundant. -Having an abundant supply.

wilt: -To droop or become limp and flaccid (as a dying leaf or flower). -To fatigue; to lose strength.

antiquarianism: -Study or love of antiques; this sense is never pluralized -Study or love of antiquity; this sense is never pluralized

synchronization: -The arrangement of military actions in time, space, and purpose to produce maximum relative combat power at a decisive place and time. -The state or property of being synchronized (cause to occur or operate at the same time or rate)

assiduous: Hard-working, diligent or regular (in attendance or work); industrious.

agoraphobic: One who suffers from agoraphobia (extreme or irrational fear of crowded spaces or enclosed public places).

kleptomaniac: One who steals compulsively.

hypochondriac: Related to, or affected by hypochondria (abnormal anxiety about one's health, esp. with an unwarranted fear that one has a serious disease)

therapeutic: -Of, or relating to therapy. -Having healing powers.

therapeutic: -Of, or relating to therapy. -Having healing powers.

fickle: Quick to change one’s opinion or allegiance; insincere; not loyal or reliable.

timorous: fearful, afraid, timid

swarthy: -tawny, dusky, dark -dark-skinned

swarthy: -tawny, dusky, dark -dark-skinned

redoubtable: Eliciting respect or fear; imposing; awe-inspiring.

raucous: -Harsh and rough-sounding. -Disorderly and boisterous.

adorn: Make more beautiful and attractive; to decorate.

abet: -To assist or encourage by aid or countenance, especially in crime. -To support, countenance, maintain, uphold, or aid any cause, opinion, or action; to maintain; -- (Obsolete) in a good sense.

ebb: [noun] -The receding movement of the tide. -A gradual decline [verb] -to flow back or recede -to fall away or decline [adjective] low, shallow

discursive: -Tending to digress from the main point; rambling. -Using reason and argument rather than intuition.

zenith: -The time at which something is most powerful or successful -The highest point in the sky reached by a celestial body.

abstruse: remote from apprehension; difficult to comprehend or understand; recondite; as in abstruse learning.

exposition: -The action of exposing something to something, such as a drug to the skin -The action of putting something out to public view; for example in a display or show.

vindication: -evidence, facts, statements or arguments that justify a claim or belief -the act of vindicating or the state of being vindicated (clear someone of blame or suspicion)

ignoble: -Not noble; plebeian; common. -Not honorable.

vainglorious: With excessive vanity (excessive pride in or admiration of one's own appearance or achievements) or unwarranted pride.

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