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bicameral: legislature made of 2 houses

term: last for 2 years/ numbered consectivly

session: a period of time during each year congress assmebles

convene: to begin

adjourn: suspends

ressess: temporarily suspend business

prorogue: end, discontinuel

special session: a meeting to deal with some emergency situation

apportion: distributed

reapportion: redistribute

off-year election: congressional elections that occur between presidential electiond

single member district: general ticketing system that congress allowed each state to decide whether to elect its members

at large: elected from the state as a whole

gerrymander: been draw in to the advantage of the political party that controls the states legilature

incumbent: person who currently hold office

continuous body: all of its seats are never up for election at the same time

constituentcy: the people and interest the senates represent

delegate: a trustee (agents of the people)

trustee: believes that each question they face must be divided on it merits.

partisan: believe they owe their first allegiance to their political party

politico: attempt to combine the basic elements of the delegate

bill: proposed laws

floor consicderation: be considered and acted upon by the full membership of the house or senate

oversight function: the process by which congress checks to see that the executive branch agencies are carrying out the bouces

franking privilege: a well known benefit that allows them to mail letters and other materials postage-free by submitting their signature for the postage

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