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hypnotic: Of, or relating to hypnosis or hypnotism.

siren: (original sense) (Greek mythology) One of a group of nymphs who lured mariners to their death on the rocks.

compliance: The spell to a wish.

Dose: A measured portion of medicine taken at any one time.

suckered: A concave organ that acts as a suction cup.

Prejudice: To have a negative impact on someone's position, chances etc.

Plead: Beg, ask, request.

Derogatory: Disrespectful, demeaning.

pulp: Mush, past, slop, slush.

Nonobservance: A violation of something.

surreall: Weird, strange, freakish.

Lynches: Hang or to kill.

Lunge: A sudden forward thrust.

Intervention: The process or intervening.

Knapsack: A case of canvas or leather, for carrying items on the back.

Punctuate: Add punctuation to.

Meditating: To think, consider, ponder.

Grime: Dirt ingrained, or the skin

Grate: Rub against something.

Harmony: The combination of notes to make a chord.

Fond: Addicted to, passionate about.

Windfall: Jackpot, pennies from heaven.

Logos: Symbol, mark, sign.

trepidation: Fear, fright

apricot: A round sweet and juicy stone fruit, resembling peach or plum in taste, with a yellow-orange flesh, lightly fuzzy skin and a large seed inside.

Deaden: Numb, kill, weaken.

Despair: To give up as beyond hope or expectation; to despair of.

Pudgy: Fat, overweight (pertaining particularly to children), plump; chubby

Shield: To protect something or someone.

ooze: Flow very slow.

overtake: Catch up to or pass.

monitor: Carefully watch or check on something over a period of time.

Trustworthy: Worthy or diserving of trust.

Lumber: To move slowly and heavily or awkwardly.

Instinct: A urge or feeling.

Complex: Made up of multiple parts; intricate or detailed.

Memorial: A structure, such as a monument, intended to celebrate the memory of a person or event

Junior: The younger sibling, or person in the family

Morphine: A drug used to relive pain.

hydrogen: A flammable gas the lightest chemical element.

velocity: speed, rate, tempo.

Contrition: To feel sorrow or regret.

Fiber: Roughage, bulk.

Tension: Tight, stiff, stretched.

Knnickknack: Trinket, novelty.

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