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acerbic: Sour or bitter.

abjure: To renounce upon oath; to forswear; to disavow.

abate: To bring down or reduce to a lower state, number, degree or estimation.

abdicate: Fail to fulfill or undertake (a responsibility or duty)

aberration: A departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically one that is unwelcome

abstain: Restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something

adversity: state of misfortune or calamity.

aesthetic: Concerned with beauty, artistic impact, or appearance.

amicable: Showing friendliness or goodwill.

anachronistic: Erroneous in date

arid: Very dry.

asylum: A place of safety

benevolent: Having a disposition to do good.

bias: Show prejudice for or against (someone or something) unfairly

boisterous: Full of energy; exuberant; noisy.

brazen: Impudent, immodest, or shameless.

brusque: Rudely abrupt, unfriendly.

camaraderie: Close friendship in a group of friends or teammates.

canny: Having or showing shrewdness and good judgment, esp. in money or business matters.

capacious: Having a lot of space inside; roomy.

capitulate: To end all resistance; to give up; to go along with or comply;

clairvoyant: perceiving events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact

collaborate: To work together with others to achieve a common goal.

compassion: Deep awareness of the suffering of another, coupled with the wish to relieve it

compromise: The settlement of differences by arbitration or by consent reached by mutual concessions.

condescending: Assuming a tone of superiority, or a patronizing attitude.

conditional: More completely conditional sentence, a statement that depends on a condition being true or false.

conformist: A person who conforms to accepted behavior or established practices

convergence: the act of moving toward union or uniformity.

deleterious: harmful or hurtful, to physical, mental or moral health.

demagogue: An orator or leader who gains favor by exciting the passions and prejudices of the audience.

digression: A departure from the subject, course, or idea at hand.

diligent: Performing with intense concentration, focus, responsible regard.

discredit: To harm the good reputation of a person.

disdain: A feeling of contempt or scorn.

divergent: Tending to be different or develop in different directions

empathy: The ability to understand and share the feelings of another

emulate: To copy or imitate, especially a person

ephemeral: Lasting for a short period of time.

evanescent: vanishing, disappearing, fleeting

exemplary: Serving as a desirable model; representing the best of its kind

extenuating: That lessens the seriousness of something by providing an excuse

florid: having a rosy or pale red colour; ruddy

forbearance: Restraint under provocation.

fortitude: the mental strength that enables courage in the face of adversity

fortuitous: Happening by chance; coincidental or accidental.

foster: Encourage or promote the development of (something, typically something regarded as good)

fraught: Causing or affected by great anxiety or stress

frugal: Sparing or economical with regard to money or food

hackneyed: Repeated too often.

haughty: Arrogantly superior and disdainful

hedonist: A person who believes that the pursuit of pleasure is the most important thing in life

hypothesis: A proposition made as a basis for reasoning, without any assumption of its truth

impetuous: Making arbitrary decisions, esp. in an impulsive and forceful manner.

impute: To reckon as pertaining or attributable; to charge; to ascribe; to attribute;

inconsequential: Having no consequence, not consequential, of little importance.

inevitable: impossible to avoid or prevent

intrepid: Fearless; bold; brave.

intuitive: Using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive

jubilation: A triumphant shouting; rejoicing; exultation.

lobbyist: A person who for remuneration reattempts to persuade (to lobby) politicians to vote in a certain way.

longevity: The quality of being long-lasting, especially of life

mundane: Lacking interest or excitement; dull

nonchalant: Casually calm and relaxed.

opulent: luxuriant, and ostentatiously magnificent

orator: A skilled and eloquent public speaker.

ostentatious: Characterized by vulgar or pretentious display; designed to impress or attract notice

parched: Dry.

perfidious: Deceitful and untrustworthy

pragmatic: Practical, concerned with making decisions and actions that are useful in practice, not just theory

precocious: Characterized by exceptionally early development or maturity.

pretentious: Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed

procrastinate: To put off; to delay taking action; to wait until later.

prosaic: Straightforward; matter-of-fact; lacking the feeling or elegance of poetry.

prosperity: The condition of being prosperous, of having good fortune

provocative: Causing annoyance, anger, or another strong reaction, esp. deliberately

prudent: Acting with or showing care and thought for the future

querulous: Complaining in a petulant or whining manner

rancorous: bitter; unforgiving.

reclusive: Of, characterized by, or preferring privacy and isolation; secluded.

reconciliation: The reestablishment of friendly relations; conciliation or rapprochement.

renovation: An act, or the process, of renovating.

restrained: Held back, limited, kept in check or under control.

reverence: Regard or treat with deep respect

sagacity: The quality of being sage, wise, or able to make good decisions.

scrutinize: To examine something with great care.

spontaneous: Self generated; happening without any apparent external cause.

spurious: false, not authentic, not genuine

submissive: Meekly obedient or passive.

substantiate: to verify something by supplying evidence; to corroborate or authenticate

subtle: Hard to grasp; not obvious or easily understood; barely noticeable.

superficial: Shallow, lacking substance.

superfluous: in excess of what is required or sufficient

surreptitious: stealthy, furtive, well hidden, covert (especially movements)

tactful: Able to deal with people in a sensitive manner.

tenacious: Tending to keep a firm hold of something; clinging or adhering closely

transient: Lasting only for a short time; impermanent

venerable: commanding respect because of age, dignity, character or position

vindicate: To clear from an accusation, suspicion or criticism.

wary: Feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems

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