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hematopoietic: red bone marrow cells produce rbc, wbc and clotting cells

Arthrocentesis: surgical puncture of joint to remove fluid for analysis

arthrography: the injection of a joint with contrast material for radiographic examination

arthroscopy: the visual examination of the joint using a fiberoptic scope

ankylosis: loss of joint motility caused by disease, injury or surgery

arthritis: inflammatory condition of joints

arthropathy: joint disease

bursitis: inflammation of the bursa

chondromalacia: abnormal cartilage softening

discospondylitis: inflammation of the intervertebral disc and vertebrae

exostosis: benign growth on the bone surface

gouty arthritis: joint inflammation associated with the formation of uric acid crystals in the joint

hip dysplasia: abnormal development of the pelvic joint causing the head of the femur and the acetabulum not to be aligned properly; most commonly seen in large breed dogs

intervertebral disc disease: rupture or protrusion of the cushioning disc found between the vertebrae that results in pressure on the spinal cord or spinal roots

lordosis: position in which the vertebral column is abnormally curved ventrally

luxation: dislocation or displacement of a bone from its joint

osteoarthritis: degenerative joint disease commonly associated with aging or wear and tear on joints

osteochondrosis: degeneration or necrosis of bone and cartilage followed by regeneration or recalcification

osteochondrosis dissecans: degeneration or necrosis of bone and cartilage followed by regeneration or recalcification usually resulting in a detached piece of articular cartilage

osteomalacia: abnormal softening of bone

osteomyelitis: inflammation of bone and marrow

osteoporosis: abnormal condition of marked loss of bone density and an increase in bone porosity

spondylitis: inflammation of the vertebrae

spondylosis: any degenerative disorder of vertebrae

subluxation: partial dislocation or displacement of a bone from its joint

synovitis: inflammation of the synovial membrane of joints

crepitation: cracking sensation that is felt and heard when broken bones move together

callus: bulging deposit around the area of a bone fracture that may eventually become bone

arthrodesis: fusion of a joint or the spinal vertebrae by surgical means

laminectomy: surgical removal of the dorsal arch of the vertebrae

ostectomy: surgical removal of bone

osteocentesis: surgical puncture of bone

osteodesis: fusion of bones

osteoplasty: surgical repair of bone

osteotomy: surgical incision or sectioning of bone

trephination: process of cutting a hole into bone using a trephine

linea alba: a fibrous band of connective tissue on the ventral abdominal wall that is the median attachment of the abdominal muscles

pectoral: muscles located on the chest

epaxial: muscles located above the pelvic axis Example - lumbar

infraspinatus: muscles located beneath the spine of the scapula

supraspinatus: muscles located above the spine of the scapula

orbicularis: muscles surrounding another structure

deltoid: muscles that are triangular shaped

rhomboideus: muscles that are diamond shaped

serratus: muscles that are saw-toothed

dystrophy: defective growth

fibroma: tumor composed of fully developed connective tissue

hernia: protrusion of a body part through tissues that normally contain it

myasthenia: muscle weakness

myoclonus: spasm of a muscle

myopathy: abnormal condition or disease of muscle

myositis: inflammation of voluntary muscles

tetany: muscle spasms or twitching

myectomy: surgical removal of muscle or part of muscle

myotomy: surgical incision into a muscle

tenectomy: surgical removal of a part of a tendon

tenotomy: surgical division of a tendon

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