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Abhor: hate

Bilk: cheat, defraud

Engender: cause

knotty: complex, difficult to solve

Abasement: humiliation, degradation

Replete: full

Abrogate: cancel, deny, repeal

Harbinger: indicator, bringer of warning

Plaudit: statement giving strong praise

Ensconce: establish firmly in a position

Obdurate: stubborn

Reprieve: a respite; postponement of a sentence

Tawdry: of little value; gaudy

Blighted: damaged; destroyed; ruined

Lachrymose: tearful; sad

Obfuscate: deliberately make something difficult to understand

Repudiate: shun; eschew

Tedium: boredom

Abstemious: self denying; refraining from indulging

Blithe: free-spirited; carefree

Crepuscular: active at dawn and dusk

Rescind: retract; repeal

Abstruse: difficult to understand; obscure

Blunderbuss: 1. ancient weapon (type of gun); 2. a clumsy person

Envenom: to cause bitterness and bad feeling

Hedonism: self indulgence; pleasure-seeking

Laconic: using few words; brief; to the point

Acquiesce: to agree to; give in to

Bombast: arrogant, pompous language

Acrid: sharp; pungent (used of smells and tastes)

Epistle: a letter (form of communication)

Heresy: against orthodox opinion

Respite: a break; intermission

Acrophobia: fear of heights

Languid: tired; slow

Rigor: thoroughness

Legion: in large numbers

Degradation: deprivation; poverty; debasement

Torpor: dormancy; sluggishness; inactivity

Rife: common

Odious: hateful

Hyperbole: grossly exaggerated speech

Bulwark: fortification; barricade; wall

Torpid: inactive; lazy; stagnant

Obviate: avoid; make unnecessary

Espouse: promote; take up; support

Portent: a warning sign; omen

Obtuse: mentally dull

Hoary: old

Deference: respect

Broach: start to discuss; approach

Titter: giggle quietly

Portend: foretell

Obstreperous: noisy and boisterous

Histrionic: theatrical; exaggerated

Adulation: strong admiration; worship

Reticent: restrained; holding something back; uncommunicative

Pontificate: speak pompously or dogmatically

Largess: generosity

Err: make a mistake

Brevity: being brief

Adroit: skilful

Timorous: cowardly; fearful

Larceny: theft; robbery; stealing

Equivocate: speak ambiguously; avoid telling the truth

Polemical: causing debate or argument

Obsequious: servile; submissive

Hidebound: rigid in opinions

Epitomized: typified; characterized; personified

Braggart: someone who boasts

Acuity: sharpness (mental or visual)

Loquacious: talkative

Deride: ridicule; make fun of; mock

Salacious: lecherous; erotic

Opulent: wealthy; rich; magnificent

Immutable: unchanging; permanent

Exegesis: scholarly explanation or interpretation

Deprecate: criticize; denounce

Immoderate: excessive; extreme

Execrable: very, very bad

Depravity: moral corruption

Callow: immature

Trepidation: fear

Onus: burden

Illusory: deceptive; false; misleading

Exculpate: free someone from blame; pardon; acquit

Deplore: regret

Sacrosanct: very holy; inviolable

Onerous: burdensome; hard to undertake

Exceptionable: very bad (something which we should object to)

Saccharin: falsely sweet

Lithe: flexible; supple

Ignominy: shame

Liniment: soothing lotion

Allay: to lessen

Idiosyncrasy: a personal peculiarity; something unique to an individual

Delineation: demarcation; explanation; definition; outlining

Olfactory: concerned with the sense of smell

Iconoclast: person who opposes orthodoxy

Euphony: pleasant sounds

Burnish: polish

Tractable: obedient; dutiful; polite

Hypocritical: insincere

Deleterious: harmful

Burgeon: grow; flourish; put forth new shoots

Alacrity: eagerness; enthusiasm; quickness

Zenith: summit

Hallowed: worshipped; consecrated

Corrugated: highly folded

Taciturn: quiet; saying little

Relegate: dismiss to a lower position

Placate: pacify; soothe; calm

Hackneyed: common and over-used

Corpulent: fat

Sycophant: bootlicker; flatterer

Notoriety: infamy; known for wrong doing

Judicious: correct in judgment; wise

Gustatory: concerned with the sense of taste

Sybarite: lover of luxury

Pious: very religious

Nonentity: a person of no importance; not famous

Benignity: compassion; gentleness; fondness

Jocular: in a joking manner

Guileless: frank; straightforward; honest

Embroil: involve in hostility or argument

Contumacious: stubborn

Wily: cunning

Surreptitiously: secretly; furtively; stealthily

Redress: put right something that was wrong

Phlegmatic: calm; imperturbable

Jingoistic: extremely patriotic; nationalistic

Contrition: sorrow and repentance

Surreptitious: secret; sneaky; stealthy

Redolent: smelling of; giving off odors

Philistine: uncultured person

Contrite: sorry

Emaciated: very thin; withered

Whet: sharpen

Superlative: extremely good; the best

Jaundiced: cynical; pessimistic

Gregarious: extroverted; sociable; outgoing

Consummate: complete; total; supremely good

Bellicose: war-like; aggressive

Whelp: young dog

Supercilious: proud and haughty

Petulant: sulky; peevish

Elucidate: make clear

Conspicuous: easily seen; prominent

Gratuitous: unwarranted

Belie: contradict

Recapitulate: summarize

Itinerant: nomadic; wandering from place to place

Gratis: free of charge; without payment

Egress: exit

Consecrate: dedicate

Beleaguer: besiege; attack

Subversive: rebellious; revolutionary

Recant: disclaim; retract statement

Peruse: read carefully

Nefarious: wicked; immoral; disreputable

Egregious: outstandingly, obviously bad

Pertinent: relevant

Nebulous: vague

Irreproachable: cannot be criticized; perfect

Congenital: present from birth

Beguile: mislead; lure

Subterfuge: a trick

Raze: destroy; demolish; tear down

Perspicacity: insight

Navigable: suitable for sailing

Glacial: hostile; unfriendly; cold; icy

Effusive: gushing; demonstrative

Waive: surrender; give up

Perspicacious: insightful; sharp; wise

Myriad: in large numbers

Effigy: a model of a person

Voracious: ravenous

Germinal: just growing; not developed; immature

Efface: wipe out; remove all trace of

Conflagration: big fire

Bastion: fortress; stronghold

Perpetuity: eternity

Munificent: generous; charitable

Ire: anger

Germane: relevant

Edifice: building; structure; construction

Condoning: overlooking; disregarding; ignoring

Voluble: talkative

Rancor: resentment; animosity; bad feeling

Irascible: easily angered

Eclectic: taking things from different sources

Condone: tacitly support; overlook

Bane: troublesome influence

Persnickety: fastidious; fussy

Inviolable: cannot be invaded

Banality: ordinariness; dullness

Vociferous: noisy; loud in speech

Strident: loud and harsh

Pernicious: destructive; harmful

Moribund: on the point of death

Invidious: arousing envy

Ebullient: very lively; cheerful; Garrulous - talkative

Banal: common; dull

Vivify: enliven

Stratagem: plot; plan; trick

Perjury: telling lies under oath

Moratorium: temporary prohibition or halt to activity

Inveterate: habitual

Garner: gather; collect

Conciliate: to bring together; end a dispute

Balk: hinder and prevent; hesitate over

Stolid: impassive; dull; indifferent

Intrepid: brave

Concatenation: linking into chains

Aversion: a dislike of

Vitriolic: corrosive; strongly attacking

Peripatetic: nomadic; moving from place to place

Intransigent: stubborn; unyielding

Dubious: doubtful

Concatenate: link together

Austere: severely plain

Perfunctory: superficial; cursory

Modicum: small amount

Intransigence: stubbornness

Gambol: frolic; leap; bound

Auspicious: favorable; promising to turn out well

Quandary: dilemma; puzzle

Perfidy: treachery

Mitigate: lessen; make less severe

Galleon: ancient type of sailing ship

Complacent: self-satisfied; smug

Virtuoso: an accomplished musician

Stevedore: dockworker

Peremptory: in a commanding manner

Interminable: never-ending

Drivel: nonsense

Attenuate: weaken

Quagmire: marsh; bog

Perdition: damnation

Furtive: hidden and secret

Collusion: plotting and planning

Staunch: loyal; faithful; dependable

Quaff: drink down quickly

Percipient: perceptive; insightful

Dotard: foolish old man

Dolt: stupid person

Staid: dull; sober; serious

Pusillanimous: cowardly

Penury: poverty

Mire: swamp; muddy ground

Insipid: dull; bland; boring

Astute: perceptive; sharp-witted

Purloin: steal

Milieu: environment

Insentient: unfeeling

Cogitate: think over something; ponder

Assuage: to calm

Spurious: false

Punctilious: paying attention to small details

Pellucid: transparently clear

Mettle: courage; bravery; valor

Inscrutable: mysterious; impenetrable

Fractious: irritable; difficult to control

Cogent: lucid; well argued

Assiduous: thorough; diligent

Puerile: childish

Pejorative: derogatory

Fortuitous: happening by chance

Diurnal: active in daytime

Coercion: force

Ascetic: without luxuries; severely simple

Veracity: truthfulness

Prudent: cautious; wise

Peerless: without equal

Innocuous: harmless; inoffensive

Fortitude: bravery

Venial: minor; unimportant

Specious: false

Innate: inherited; inborn

Forensic: concerned with argument or debate (esp. for legal evidence)

Dispassionate: neutral; objective

Coalesce: come together; merge

Artifice: deception; trickery

Venerate: revere; worship

Pedant: person who insists on strict adherence to rules or narrow learning

Mercurial: volatile; changeable

Inimical: hostile

Fly-by-night: unreliable; disreputable

Soporific: inducing sleep

Peccadillo: minor weakness; trivial offence

Mercenary: concerned only with money

Venal: corrupt; can be bribed

Protean: changeable

Paucity: shortage

Mendacious: given to lying

Ingénue: naïve, unsophisticated person

Flout: defy; reject

Disinterested: unbiased

Clemency: mercy

Vehement: forceful

Soothsayer: fortuneteller

Flippant: making jokes about serious matters

Clandestine: secret; covert; stealthy

Vehemence: violence; fervor; forcefulness

Prostration: 1. lying face down; 2. be overcome with extreme weakness

Discursiveness: long windedness; indirectness

Variegated: multicolored; speckled

Prosody: study of versification

Pathos: evoking sadness or pity

Clairvoyant: psychic; mystic

Solace: comfort for grief

Proscribe: forbid

Partisan: biased; one-sided; committed to one group

Inexpedient: not advisable

Flagrant: clearly wrong

Arable: can be cultivated

Prosaic: dull; boring; ordinary

Parsimony: stinginess; frugality; cost-cutting

Inexorable: relentless

Fitful: not continuous; stopping and starting

Discordancy: cacophony; harshness; jarring

Circumspect: cautious; considering all sides

Vacuous: empty; silly; meaningless

Smelt: refine an ore

Proponents: promoters; supporters

Parsimonious: economical; frugal; thrifty

Parry: ward off; avoid

Masochist: person who intentionally inflicts pain on himself

Inertia: inactivity; lethargy

Fickle: unpredictable; whimsical; easily swayed

Circumlocution: using too many words; long-windedness

Apocryphal: of doubtful origin

Proletarian: member of the working class

Martinet: person who believes in strict discipline

Inept: incompetent; unskilled; useless

Disapprobation: disapproval

Circuitous: indirect

Apathy: lack of interest or emotion

Utilitarian: useful

Profundity: depth

Parochial: narrow-minded; concerned only with local matters

Ineffable: cannot be expressed in words

Felicitous: apt

Usurp: take someone's position (usually by force)

Parity: equality

Marshal: to gather together

Fecund: fertile

Choleric: easily angered

Urbane: sophisticated; suave

Pariah: an outcast from society

Marred: damaged; spoiled

Chimerical: changeable; unstable

Fatuous: silly; foolish

Dilettante: person who dabbles in a subject without serious study

Chicanery: trickery

Uproarious: hilarious; hysterical; very funny

Serendipity: fortunate coincidence; unsought discovery

Prodigious: very large

Indolence: laziness

Fastidious: overly particular; finicky

Antediluvian: outdated; prehistoric; very old-fashioned

Upbraid: scold; tell off; reprimand

Sequester: isolate

Prodigal: wasteful; extravagant

Fanaticism: passion; excessive devotion

Dilatory: slow; falling behind with one's work

Chary: wary of; cautious about; reluctant to give

Antagonistic: opposed; hostile; aggressive

Paragon: a perfect example

Charlatan: trickster who claims knowledge he doesn't have

Antagonism: hostility; strong opposition

Unscathed: unharmed; intact; without a scratch

Sensuous: appealing to the senses

Proclivity: tendency towards

Indelible: cannot be wiped out

Falter: hesitate; waver

Certitude: certainty

Malefactor: a wrong-doer

Diffident: lacking confidence

Unfrock: to remove a priest from his position

Scuttle: sink

Prevaricate: speak misleadingly and evasively

Panacea: remedy for all ills

Malediction: a curse

Extrinsic: irrelevant; on the outside

Didactic: intended to teach; instructive

Censure: blame

Annex: (n)a building which is an addition to an existing building

Unfetter: set free

Censorious: disapproving; critical

Pallid: pale

Maladroit: clumsy; unskillful

Celerity: speed

Underscore: emphasize

Presentiment: a feeling that something might happen

Palliative: a remedy that improves but doesn't cure

Magnate: powerful businessman

Extradite: deport from one country back to the home country

Cavalcade: procession of vehicles

Prescient: having fore-knowledge

Palisade: fence made of posts

Magnanimous: generous; big-hearted

Incipient: just beginning

Caustic: burning

Unctuous: oily; using excessive flattery

Prerogative: right or privilege

Maelstrom: whirlpool; storm in the ocean

Exposition: clear explanation

Analgesic: medicine to combat pain

Unalloyed: undiluted; total

Sardonic: mocking

Preeminent: famous; outstanding

Machinations: plots and plans

Catharsis: purging of pent-up emotions

Ubiquitous: found everywhere; omnipresent

Sanguine: optimistic; cheerful

Lynch: assassinate; kill; illegal hanging

Expedient: convenient; practical

Destitution: hardship; poverty; misery

Castigate: scold strongly

Tyro: novice; beginner

Sanguinary: bloodthirsty; bloody

Despondent: having no hope; miserable

Turpitude: depravity

Precocious: developing early

Lummox: clumsy person

Carping: constant criticism

Amelioration: improvement

Tumult: uproar; noise

Sanctimonious: hypocritically holy

Preclude: prevent or make impossible

Exonerates: acquits; absolves; removes blame

Desecration: spoiling something holy

Capitulate: surrender; give in to

Ameliorate: make better

Truncate: cut short

Salutary: something which teaches you a lesson; beneficial

Precipitous: done in a hurry

Impious: wicked; profane

Capacious: spacious

Truant: shirker; someone absent without permission

Salubrious: health-giving

Precipice: steep slope

Impecunious: having no money

Cantankerous: bad-tempered; quarrelsome

Ambivalence: lack of clarity; wavering; being undecided

Sinistral: left-handed (or counterclockwise) [dextral - right handed]

Pith: center; soft part of stem; essence

Impropriety: inappropriate behavior

Cataclysmic: violently disruptive [cataclysm (n)]

Calibrate: mark an accurate scale on a device

Teetotalism: total abstinence from alcohol

Shirk: avoid (esp. work)

Prudence: caution; wisdom

Nadir: lowest point

Indigent: poor; needy [indigence (n)]

Discountenance: disallow

Vagary: something unaccountable; freak

Enigmatic: puzzling [enigma (n)]

Dissident: person who disagrees [dissidence (n)]

Underwrite: give guarantee, insure

Orate: speak in a pompous manner

Ferrous: concerned with iron or its compounds

Prattle: mindless talk

Frieze: decorative border

Chorales: simple hymns

Jamb: door post

Fracas: fight; disturbance

Epithet: phrase used as a label or to express the essential nature of

Efficacy: effectiveness

Curmudgeon: grumpy person

Amortize: pay off a debt in installments

Agog: amazed; wide-eyed with enthusiasm

Seminal: essential; formative

Quotidian: daily; routine

Nexus: connection

Liturgy: form of worship

Limpid: transparently clear

Eschew: shun; avoid

Brook: 1. small stream; 2. tolerate

Sibyl: prophetess

Saw: 1. tool for cutting; 2. wise saying

Nostrum: remedy

Macerate: soften or break up by soaking; weaken

Lope: run with long strides

Incubus: encumbrance; nightmarish thing

Impugn: challenge; question someone’s honor etc.

Homiletics: art of preaching and giving sermons

Burlesque: 1. comic play; 2. lampoon

Waffle: talk nonsense

Tender: to offer

Seine: type of fishing net

Sedulity: thoroughness; perseverance [sedulous (a)]

Quisling: traitor

Maculated: spotted

Gerontocracy: government by the aged

Diatribe: tirade; violent denunciation; stream of criticism

Apposite: fitting; suitable

Abraded: worn away; eroded [abrade (v); abrasion (n)]

Syncopation: type of musical rhythm with missed beats

Sate: satisfy

Pundit: expert

Ironclad: cannot be altered; firm

Carrion: dead flesh; carcasses

Synapse: junction between two nerve cells

Fervent: passionate

Errant: 1. wandering; 2. wrong; 3. straying from accepted standards

Dote: be excessively fond of [doting (a)]

Dissemble: avoid the truth

Dally: waste time; flirt

Cloture: closure; terminating a debate by voting

Jibe: agree with; complement; match up with (in British usage jibe means mock)

Hawser: thick rope or cable

Fulminate: 1. attack loudly in words; denounce thunderously; 2. explode noisily

Discrete: separate; discontinuous (not to be confused with discreet - prudent; diplomatic]

Chauvinist: someone excessively patriotic [chauvinism (n)]

Assay: 1. try; 2. assess purity

Qualm: hesitation or fear

Improbity: lack of honesty or integrity

Hegemony: political domination; complete authority

Forbearing: tolerant [forbear (v); forbearance (n)]

Fallow: uncultivated

Desultory: aimless; inconsistent in effort

Conscript: 1. person enlisted compulsorily into the armed forces; 2. (v) to enlist compulsorily

Caulk: treat with substance such as tar to make water-tight

Stinting: holding back; limiting the supply (of supplies/money etc.) [stint (v)]

Somatic: concerned with the body

Rue: regret [rueful (a)]

Minutiae: small details

Foment: 1. stir up; 2. bathe with hot liquids (medical)

Abeyance: state of inactivity; disuse

Malign: slander

Indicted: accused (of crime)

Flail: 1. tool used to thresh grain; 2. to thresh (separate grain from chaff); 3. to wave arms about wildly

Flag: (v) 1. to lose energy; 2. to signal

Expatiate: speak or write at great length

Aver: affirm

Antipathy: hatred

Statute: law [statutory (a)]

Epaulet: shoulder decoration

Divest: remove; take off

Condescension: talking down to someone [condescending (a)]

Veritable: true; genuine [verity (n)]

Transcendental: supernatural; going beyond normal experience [transcendent (a)]

Supplicant: person who requests or begs for something [supplicate (v)]

Soliloquy: solo speech

Picayune: insignificant; of little value

Fledge: 1. grow feathers; 2. leave nest [fledgling (n) = an inexperienced person or a baby bird]

Arduous: hard

Tamp: to plug; press loose matter down tightly (e.g. pack explosives into a hole)

Steep: (v) to soak in water

Sinewy: vigorous; having well-developed muscles [a sinew is a tendon]

Lien: right to sell property held as a security; legal hold on job etc.

Gavel: judge’s hammer

Consternation: worry and concern

Abut: to adjoin

Abate: reduce in intensity

Abjure: renounce; swear to refrain from something

Blandishment: words used to coax or flatter [blandish (v)]

Boor: ill-mannered person [boorish (a)]

Feckless: feeble; helpless; lacking in initiative

Score: (n) written form of music

Quell: suppress

Gall: 1. bitterness (bad feeling); 2. confidence; 3. abnormal growth on a plant

Deign: condescend

Adumbrate: outline; indicate

Stipple: cover with dots of paint etc.

Quixotic: impractically idealistic

Inefficacious: ineffective

Expostulate: offer strong objections; remonstrate

Exigency: urgent matter; pressing need

Imperturbability: quality of being calm and not easily disturbed [imperturbable (a)]

Meretricious: falsely attractive; tawdry

Augury: prediction, looking for omens [auger (v)]

Glib: slick; superficial esp. in speech

Incise: cut into [incision (n); incisive (a)]

Ostracism: shunning; social isolation [ostracize (v)]

Penchant: inclination; leaning; tendency; predilection

Rarefy: make less dense [rarefaction (n)]

Repine: fret; be discontented

Stipulate: specify [stipulation (n)]

Duplicity: cunning; deception; double dealing

Veneration: worship; respect [venerable (a), venerate (v)]

Sullied: made dirty or impure [opposite unsullied; sully (v)]

Squalid: dirty and demeaning

Resolve: firmness (n)

Prescience: foreknowledge

Travesty: parody; ridiculous error

Stanch: to stop

Propitiate: appease; try to gain favor [propitiation (n)]

Predilection: leaning; interest; talent

Mitigation: making less severe [mitigate (v)]

Gambit: opening move; transaction

Filibuster: delaying tactics

Diaphanous: transparent; thin and delicate

Feint: pretended attack; a move intended to deceive

Inured: hardened; habituated

Mettlesome: spirited [mettle (n)]

Puissance: power

Recondite: obscure

Stygian: very dark

Touting: advertising; supporting [tout (v)]

Virtuosity: skill, expertise [virtuoso (n); virtuosi (n.pl)]

Volubility: excessive talkativeness [voluble (a)]

Caret: punctuation mark signifying omission

Contiguous: adjacent; touching; abutting [contiguity (n)]

Damp: (used of vibration) reduce in extent

Ellipsis: omission of essential words

Extirpation: wiping out; complete destruction [extirpate (v)]

Foppish: behaving or dressing like a dandy; excessively concerned with fashion

Gaffe: blunder; social mistake

Hortatory: encouraging; exhorting

Opprobrious: expressing great scorn [opprobrium (n)]

Recumbent: reclining; lying down

Culpability: guilt [culpable = blameworthy]

Discernment: judgment; perceptiveness

Encomium: praise

Inveigle: coax; cajole; wheedle; entice

Minatory: threatening

Runic: mysterious; magical

Atavism: reappearance of ancestral traits; regression [atavistic (a)]

Wag: (n) a witty person

Usury: lending money at high interest rates

Toy: (v) to play with

Scotch: (v) to prevent; stop; disable

Proliferate: grow and spread [proliferation (n)]

Indecorous: unseemly; inappropriate (of behavior)

Facetious: not intended to be taken seriously

Descry: to see (esp. at a distance); catch sight of

Arbitrator: mediator; person appointed to judge a dispute [arbitrate (v)]

Pique: 1. annoyance (n); 2. to stimulate interest; to annoy (v)

Indigence: poverty

Hallow: respect; worship

Fallible: capable of making mistakes [fallibility (n)]

Equivocal: ambiguous; open to interpretation - [equivocate (v), equivocation (n)]

Analogue: 1. something similar; 2. output proportional to input (engineering)

Pied: multicolored

Accretion: accumulation of matter; growth produced by adding from the outside

Churlishness: rudeness; ill-mannered behavior

Demagogue: mob leader (who appeals to base instincts) [demagogy/demagoguery (n)]

Effrontery: daring; audacity (has a negative connotation)

Idyll: story or incident in peaceful or ideal setting [idyllic (a)]

Interregnum: interval between reigns or governments

Nugatory: of minor significance; futile

Sinecure: job which pays salary but requiring little effort

Lacuna: gap; missing part [plural = lacunae]

Impeding: hindering [impede (v); impediment (n)]

Façade: 1. front elevation of building, 2. false appearance or demeanor

Disinter: dig up [opposite inter = bury]

Cant: insincere talk

Aberration: deviation from the normal

Unprepossessing: unattractive

Tare: 1. weed; 2. allowance made for container when weighing

Slight: 1. minor (a); 2. perceived insult (v) and (n)

Presage: forewarn of; indicate

Panegyric: speech praising someone; laudatory words

Neophyte: new convert; tyro

Enervate: weaken

Dilettantism: dabbling esp. in the arts [dilettante (n) = person who dabbles]

Umbrage: 1. shadow; 2. offence; sense of injury

Skiff: small boat

Scabbard: cover for a sword

Propensity: tendency; inclination

Prone: 1. vulnerable to; 2. horizontal

Hack: 1. chop roughly; 2. person who writes to earn money, 3. hired horse

Expiate: atone; make amends for

Dross: something worthless; impurities left after refining

Dawdler: slow person who falls behind others [dawdle (v)]

Armada: fleet of ships

Renege: go back on promise or retract statement

Precipitate: 1. hurried (a); 2. insoluble product of a reaction in chemistry (n), 3. to instigate or speed up an action (v)

Phenomenology: branch of science concerned with things as they are perceived; not directly derived from theory

Pedantic: over-insistent on matters of book-learning [pedant (n)]

Lassitude: lack of energy; weariness

Epigram: short, witty saying

Derision: mockery [deride (v)]

Conniving: cunning; scheming [connive (v)]

Apprehension: slight fear; sense of something unfavorable

Quibble: 1. (v) to argue about minor matters; to play on words when finding fault; 2. (n) a minor verbal point in an argument

Anodized: electroplated; coated with thin layer of metal

Aphoristic: expressed tersely [aphorism (n) = short statement; maxim]

Canonical: orthodox [canon (n) = set of accepted works]

Commensurate: equal in significance

Dexterity: skill, esp. with hands [dexterous (a)]

Impugned: challenged; called into question

Probity: uprightness; honesty

Raconteur: person who relates a story

Solicitous: kindly; expressing care and concern

Amalgamate: join; consolidate [amalgamation (n)]

Baleful: evil

Coerce: force [coercion (n); coercing (a)]

Inchoate: undeveloped; nascent

Iniquitous: evil; unjust [iniquity (n)]

Libertine: dissolute person; prodigal

Millinery: hats and hat-making

Natty: neat; dapper; smart

Sidereal: of or related to stars

Avaricious: greedy for money

Extirpate: wipe out totally

Halcyon: peaceful and happy; calm (esp. of summer weather)

Maudlin: sad; sentimental; inclined to weep

Refulgent: glowing; radiant

Subliminal: below the threshold of consciousness

Testiness: irritability; irascibility [testy (a)]

Vituperate: attack bitterly

Platitude: unoriginal, obvious saying

Mince: 1. chop into small pieces; 2. walk with tiny steps, 3. speak in an affected manner

Inerrancy: infallibility; inability to make mistakes [inerrant (a)]

Fusillade: long burst of gunfire

Emollient: softening (a); something which softens (n)

Centurion: roman soldier (commander of a company of 100 soldiers)

Apostrophe: 1. punctuation mark; 2. appeal to someone not present (a figure of speech)

Alleviated: made less severe [alleviation (n); alleviate (v)]

Xenophobe: person afraid of foreigners

Shard: fragment of pottery

Extant: still in existence (opposite of extinct)

Whittle: 1. carve with knife; 2. reduce step by step

Cumbersome: bulky; difficult to carry [encumber = to burden]

Diaphanous: transparent; thin and delicate

Dispatch: 1. send (v); 2. speed; celerity (n)

Epistemology: theory of knowledge

Froward: stubborn; wayward; disobedient

Supine: lying flat on one’s back

Throwback: exhibiting primitive, or ancestral, traits

Untoward: unexpected

Verisimilar: true to life; giving the appearance of reality

Abysmal: very deep; very bad

Approbation: approval [opp. disapprobation]

Bent: (n) inclination; aptitude

Cadge: get by begging

Debacle: disaster

Extemporize: speak without preparation or rehearsal [extemporaneous (a)]

Incumbents: occupiers of a job or position

Lambaste: attack verbally

Noisome: disgusting

Pastiche: work (usually artistic) which imitates, or is composed of parts taken from varied sources

Arboreal: living in trees; concerned with trees

Centrifuge: device to separate substances by spinning them at high speed

Cloistered: isolated

Disabuse: make someone aware of an error in thinking

Intemperate: excessive; immoderate [intemperance (n)]

Lugubrious: sad; gloomy

Nonplussed: confused

Pedagogy: science of education; teaching

Satiate: satisfy; fill completely [satiable (a); satiation (n)]

Slake: quench; satisfy

Artless: without effort; without trickery; simple

Rent: torn (past participle of the verb to rend)

Perennial: long-lasting

Misconstrue: put a wrong interpretation on something

Hapless: unlucky

Faddish: whimsical; following a fashion

Exact: (v) to demand; extort

Exacerbated: made worse [exacerbate (v); exacerbation (n)]

Corroborate: give supporting evidence [corroboration (n)]

Vulpine: like a fox [compare with bovine (cow-like); porcine (pig-like), etc.]

Sere: withered; old

Rebus: puzzle in which pictures give clues

Prolixity: wordiness [prolix (a)]

Diaphanous: transparent; thin and delicate

Comeliness: beauty; prettiness [comely (a)]

Doff: take off (esp. of a hat)

Don: put on (esp. of clothes)

Erudition: learning; scholarly knowledge [erudite (a)]

Plaintive: sad; mournful

Suborn: bribe

Tendentious: dogmatic; biased

Tortuous: indirect; winding

Verbiage: excessive or meaningless wordiness

Atonement: making amends for sin or crime [atone (v)]

Complaisance: flexibility; willingness to please [complaisant (a)]

Daguerreotype: forerunner of the photograph

Fawn: behave in a sycophantic way; grovel [fawning (a)]

Gregariousness: sociability; liking for crowds [gregarious (a)]

Nascent: emerging; newly formed

Paean: praise; tribute (esp. in song)

Scurvy: 1. disease due to lack of vitamin C; 2. contemptible; rascally

Tutelary: serving as a guardian [tutelage (n)]

Modest: 1. bashful; unpretentious; 2. not excessive

Hyperbole: exaggeration [hyperbolic (a)]

Gainsay: contradict

Empirical: found by experiment or practice

Denigrate: decry; criticize; belittle

Coterie: clique; small group with common interests

Vitiate: weaken; sap energy

Undergird: support; strengthen

Minion: underling; servant

Luminary: eminent person

Intractability: stubbornness; resistance [intractable (a)]

Deferential: showing respect [deference (n); defer (v)]

Diaphanous: transparent; thin and delicate

Reproof: scolding; criticism [reprove (v)]

Abscission: cutting; process causing leaves to fall off

Contentious: causing argument [contention (n); contend (v)]

Debilitating: weakening [debilitate (v)]

Foible: quirk; minor weakness

Importune: beg; solicit [importunate (a)]

Pertain: be relevant to [pertinent (a)]

Slew: glut; excess

Toady: sycophant; flatterer

Torrid: hot and steamy

Veracious: true [veracity (n)]

Hyperbole: exaggeration [hyperbolic (a)]

Cornucopia: symbol (horn filled with fruit etc.) denoting natural abundance

Caprices: whimsies; fancies

Admonitory: scolding [admonition (n)]

Acolyte: disciple; follower or attendant

Vicissitude: unexpected change in fortune or circumstances

Syllogism: type of logical reasoning

Sedulous: persevering; eager and thorough

Pluck: (n) courage

Mannered: stylized; pretentious

Limerick: short amusing poem

Inscrutability: quality of being difficult to comprehend [inscrutable (a)]

Diaphanous: transparent; thin and delicate

Asperity: using harsh or critical tone

Blowhard: boastful person

Disingenuous: crafty

Evanescent: short-lived [evanescence (n)]

Intangible: cannot be touched; abstract [intangibility (n)]

Labile: changing rapidly; unstable

Malapropism: use of similar sounding but incorrect word

Posture: (v) to put on an act

Proximate: immediate; nearest

Pugnacious: aggressive, ready to fight [pugnacity (n)]

Foreshadowed: indicated a future event [foreshadow (v)]

Gaucherie: awkwardness [gauche (a)]

Hyperbole: exaggeration [hyperbolic (a)]

Heterodox: unorthodox

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